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Writer's pictureRoberta J Davis

One Simple Act

In one simple act,

He took away life’s burdens

In one simple act,

He comforted me, provided peace and a sense of safety

In one simple act,

He reminded me of where I came from, what I was capable of

And what he expected from me

In one simple act,

I knew I was loved

On this day, Father’s day, I will think of him

And his one simple act,

Holding me!

My daddy was a large man in stature and in character. He was admired by many and feared by a few too. He was protective of his family; he made it crystal clear that if you came around our home, you would respect him, his wife, and his children.

It was not out of the ordinary to see him working in his garage or in the garden until the late-night hours. On most of those occasions, he was accompanied by one or two of his children and later, his grandchildren. One never knew when they would find themselves put to work. Hold that flashlight where I can see it was a common phrase and hold the flashlight you did.

Dinner was served soon after he arrived from work, but not before one of the youngin’s had washed his feet. Working in an automotive factory and on his barking dogs all day, caused soaked socks and blistering toes, not to mention the metal fragments permeating his boots. He seldom complained about the pain. I think he got a kick out of his kid’s attentiveness. And if you can believe it, there were times that we kids argued over who would be able to do it for him. Maybe, that was sucking up or maybe an acknowledgment of his efforts, but bible...we wanted to do it (at least until we became young adults).

Following our meal, the dishes were done and the almost-equally distributed chores were completed. The remainder of our evening was left to our studies, a little t.v. time with one another, or our assistance on a family project, all dependant upon his wishes and mood.

Dad kept things simple, you knew where you stood, and if you were unsure about your look into his deep brown eyes, clarification was forthcoming! Not in words nor gestures..but in his eyes. And God forbid, if his finger ever pointed your way, you had better be ready to run first, then prepare for disciplinary measures. Punishments were aplenty, typically involving corporal punishment and/or age-appropriate (ish) hard labor. Best laid plans for avoiding his wrath involved making certain you kept your word, you did as instructed and you stayed out of his way! My foolproof plan involved hiding behind the 1970’s style, gold embossed, living room drapes. There are still occasions, as an adult, I find myself on the lookout for a 100” x 108” drapery panel in a pinch for safety’s sake.

As the teen years approached, my five siblings and I worked our way through varying degrees of rebellion (some took longer than others). Our mother helped us get away with things, and when I say things...I mean a lot of things! Conversely, our dad came down on us like a ton of bricks when the gig was inevitably up! And although he was stern, he was an absolute constant.

Over the years, we tempted him, tested him, and resented him for his position from time-to-time, but he did not waver in his commitment to our well-being. I cannot count the number of times our father helped his children out of a jam. He brought his little runaways back home, his experimental potheads back to their senses, and his broken-hearted back to mend. He knew instinctively what to do for us. His door was always open and so were his arms...the safest place I can recall resting.

On this Father’s day, I will think of my dad and his unwavering love for his children. I will think of his kindness and generosity. I will think of his compassion, strength, and willingness to be vulnerable.

My hope is that you will also think of your father fondly, whether he is in heaven or here on earth. I hope you will take the opportunity to thank him for the wonderful qualities you find in him. I hope you will honor him by living the life that he truly wants or wanted for you. I intend to do the same.

Have a Happy Father’s Day!


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