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Writer's pictureRoberta J Davis

A Significant Life

May you live a significant life

Filled with joy, abundance, deep-thought, and contemplation

One spent traveling, discovering, and exploring all that comes with living

May you live a significant life

Expressing your passion, zest, and a lively spirit

Far from perfection, learning from loss, and in recognition of your strength

May you live a significant life

Enjoying the fruits of your labor

Demonstrating a willingness to reach beyond the boundaries

Set by yourself and others

May you live a significant life

Congruent with who you are and all that you long to be

Live significantly.

While sitting in the waiting room of my physician’s office at the Cleveland Clinic, I struck up a conversation with a man sitting two chairs away. Unlike me, I know, to strike up a conversation with a complete stranger, under somewhat awkward circumstances, but off I went to discover a little bit about the elderly gentleman. :) I don’t know exactly what it was about him, but I felt immediately at ease and I could sense his ease with me as well.

The pleasant man’s name was George and as he put it, he was “all of 86” years of age.

Our conversation from there went a little something like this:

Me: “My name is Roberta.”

George: “Huh? Poor kid!”

Me: (Giggling) I know, I know, I’ve lived with my name for over 50 years and still haven’t gotten used to it… so, I don’t expect you to grasp it either!”

George: Your parents must have assumed you would be a handful and thought you might deserve some sort of punishment with a name like that.”

Me: “I can only assume that to be the case...I will have to ask my mother.”

George: “Oh, she is still living?”

Me: “Yes, she is living. My father passed away in 2006, but I am grateful to still have my mom.”

George: “So, he is deceased and not a threat to me... if I wanted to ask her out?”

Me: "If you want to ask my mother out, you will need my permission. And since you have laughed at me and my name, your odds are not favorable!"

We both laughed at our silly exchange and thanked one another for the chuckle. Our tit-for-tat banter continued on for a few more moments but eventually, the conversation took on a more serious tone.

George shared with me that it was exactly a year to the day since he had laid the love of his life to rest. He characterized his relationship with his beloved “Elizabeth” as being “very loving and playful.” He elaborated on just how much he missed her laughter, her scent, her smile, and even her sometimes quick temper. He described stories of their frequent travels and explorations to “witness the great unknown.” He appreciated his wife’s “willingness to give life a Go!”. He wanted more time to enjoy all that this life had to offer with his cherished gal but was grateful for their sixty-plus years together. George exclaimed, “My wife and I lived a significant life, I have lived a significant life, and when I meet Our Father Above and He asks about my life, I will say... it was significant.”

Soon my waiting room companion was called into the doctor’s office for his weigh-in. He gingerly stood, adjusted his sweater and stated, “watch me, I’m going to give ‘em hell. “ I had every reason to believe that he would indeed “give ‘em hell.” So, I sprung out of my chair, opened my arms and gave George a longlasting hug. With that, I told him to “behave young man!” We both snickered. As George headed into the office he looked back at me, pointed his finger and said, “Hey kid, live significantly!”

I have never forgotten his words.

Like George, do you desire to live a significant life? Are you motivated by the thought of traveling or exploring to "witness the great unknowns?” Are you willing to put yourself out there and “give life a Go? One foot, one decision, one joyful thought at a time...

As 2020 approaches and resolutions for the New Year are being made, I resolve to live significantly. I hope you will do the same.

Happy New Year to all!


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